The Essential Guide to Entrepreneurship: MBA 101

Help bring your dream into reality

What you will learn

Create and understand a business plan and marketing plan.

Multiple ideas for a business.

Ability to launch their business…

Knowledge of how to handle problems when they come up.


Have you ever wanted to own your own business? But maybe you’ve seen other people fail. Or maybe you’ve failed. It’s all good. You just need a solid foundation to build your castle on. This course takes you from What is Entrepreneurship through Planning, Testing Your Idea to Launch. We also help you learn to treat your business like a business. And we talk about how to monitor your success.  Finally, we look at areas where things go wrong and help provide strategies to bounce back.

This is a course you will want to watch all the way through while taking notes. Then go back section by section and start to build up your business. Whether you want to start full time right away or slowly build up something, you will learn how to do it successfully…

We also provide a section to find out what kind of entrepreneur you are. It’s essential to understand how much time and money you have to invest as well as evaluate your tolerance for risk.


If you have questions, know that I am here to help! I answer 99% of student questions within 48 hours. I care about my students and their feedbacks.


When you finish all of the videos in this Entrepreneurship course, Udemy will email you a certificate of completion, which you can use to demonstrate your YouTube knowledge and that you have finished a particular amount of hours of Entrepreneurship MBA  training. It will be easier for you to get employed as a freelancer if you do this.


This YouTube  course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. I will help you succeed with Entrepreneurship.

Invest in your future. Enroll now.




Welcome to Entrepreneurship for Noobees

Introduction and Welcome

What Is Entrepreneurship

My Interpretations and Definitions of Entrepreneurship

Two Traits Of A Great Entrepreneur

How To Improve Your Game – Two More Traits

Are You A Good Candidate?

Are You A Good Candidate?

What Isn’t Entrepreneurship

What Isn’t Entrepreneurship

Overview of Planning

Overview of Planning

Your Business Plan

What A Good Business Plan Will Do For You!

The Adaptability & Focused Energy Generated From Writing A Plan

6 Reasons Why You Should Go Through The Business Plan Writing Process

Crafting a Business Plan

How To Effectively Communicate Your Business Idea

Executive Summary – Concluding Parts

Crafting Your Executive Summary

Crafting a Marketing Plan

The Marketing Plan – Introduction

The Marketing Plan Defining Your Competitive Landscape

Pestel Analysis – Insulation Tool

Market Forces Analysis – Insulation Tool

What Makes Your Product Unique

Crafting The Persona That Help You Generate Sales

Which Online Strategies Should You Pursue? Watch This Lecture!

Online Marketing Ideas

Offline Marketing Solutions

How to Launch a Business

How to Launch a Business

How to Launch Part 2

How to Treat Your Business Like a Business

How to Treat Your Business Like a Business

Monitoring Success

Monitoring Success

How to Sell

How to Sell

When Things Go Wrong

When Things Go Wrong


Lara’s Conclusion

Bonus Lecture!

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