Project Management

Planning and Scheduling

What you will learn

Define the roles and responsibilities of project manager

Project management life cycle

Identify project activities, their durations and their relationships

Schedule using a Gantt chart and precedence diagram method

Estimate project timelines and budget using S-Curve

Resource management, resource histogram and resource smoothing

Procurement management

Identify and analyze project risks

Monitor and control project using S-Curve Envelope


This course will be covering all the project management phases in its life cycle from initiation to closure. We will learn how to conduct a feasibility study and using swot analysis to analyze if our project will be successful or not.

You will learn about project scope management and work breakdown structure of the activities for the project to be executed and identifying project stakeholders so that we can get our project charter ready for the project. You will know all about activities relationships and their durations and their productivity rates. We will cover how to sequence activities and how to schedule them in a Gantt chart or bar chart and even scheduling using precedence diagram method.

We will also cover resource management and their types and how to read a resource histogram and how to do resource smoothing when the project team has put a limit to the resources being used. You will also learn about what is procurement management and the step by step process of procurement.

Cost budgeting will also be included in this course and we will learn how to estimate costs like labour and constructing an S-Curve to know how to analyze the s-curve of the cumulative costs we have in our project.

This course will teach you about risk management and how to evaluate the likelihood of the risk until we reach the execution phase and how to monitor and control the execution phase all the way to project closure.




What Is a Project
Why Do We Need Project Management
Roles and Responsibilities of PM

Project Management Life Cycle

The Life Cycle
The Iron Triangle

Project Initiation

Project Charter
Feasibility Study
SWOT Analysis
Stakeholder Analysis

Scope Management

Project Scope
Work Breakdown Structure

Sequencing Activities

Activity Relationships
Activity Durations
Gantt Chart

Precedence Diagram Method

The Precedence Diagram
Forward Calculation
Backward Calculation
PDM Analysis

Total Float and The Critical Path

Total Float
Critical Path

Resource Management

Types, Requirements and Histogram
Resource Smoothing

Procurement Management

The Procurement Process

Cost Management

Cost Budgeting

Risk Management

What Is Risk Management
Risk Analysis
Residual and Secondary Risks

Execute, Monitor and Control


The Closing Phase

Project Closing

Project Management Certifications


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