Complete Course in CATIA

For Students, Engineers, and Designers.
What you will learn

What you will learn

The students will learn the sketching, part modeling, assembly, sheet metal, surfacing and drafting workbenches of CATIA. Also, you will learn the basic as well as advanced concepts of design using CATIA software.


CATIA V5, developed by Dassault Systemes, France, is a completely re-engineered, next-generation family of CAD/CAM/CAE software solutions for Product Lifecycle Management. CATIA V5 delivers innovative technologies for maximum productivity and creativity through its exceptionally easy-to-use and state-of-the-art user interface, from inception to the final product. CATIA V5 reduces the learning curve, as it allows the flexibility of using feature-based and parametric designs.

CATIA V5 serves the design tasks by providing different workbenches. A workbench is defined as a specified environment consisting of tools that allow the user to perform specific design tasks. This course will complete workbenches in CATIA V5 which are Part Design, Wireframe, and Surface Design, Assembly Design, Drafting, Generative Sheetmetal Design, Generative Shape Design. The tutor has used real-world mechanical engineering projects as an example in this video course. This enables the user to relate the tutorials to real-world models in the mechanical engineering industry.

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The subject of interpretability offered by CATIA V5 includes receiving legacy data from other CAD systems and from its own product data management modules. The real benefit of CATIA V5 is that the links remain associative. As a result, any change made to this external data gets notified and the model can be updated quickly.


Introduction to CATIA-I
Introduction to CATIA-II
Introduction to CATIA-III
Common introductory tools in CATIA-!
Common introductory tools in CATIA-II
Common introductory tools in CATIA-III
Initial basic settings in CATIA
Sketcher Workbench
CATIA Sketcher workbench introduction
Basic profile tools to drraw sketches1
Basic profile tools to draw sketches2
Basic constraint tools1
Basic constraint tools2
Predefined profiles tools1
Predefined profiles tools2
Predefined profiles tools3
Drawing circle and arcs1
Drawing circle and arcs2
Using connect tool and drawing ellipse
Drawing lines by line tool
Drawing points
Using constraint tool in detail1
Using constraint tool in detail2
Creating corner and chamfer operations
Creating trim operations
Using operation transformation tools1
Using operation transformation tools2
Using operation transformation tools3
Analyzing sketch
Extracting sketch profiles
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Part Modeling Workbench
Adding material by using pad tool 1
Adding material by using pad tool 2
Adding material by using pad tool 3
Removing material by using pocket tool
Adding revolved material by using shaft tool
Removing material by groove tool
Creating holes 1
Creating holes 2
Adding material along guide by rib tool 1
Adding material along guide by rib tool 2
Removing material along guide by slot tool
Creating stiffening ribs
Using solid combine tool
Adding material by using multi-section tool 1
Adding material by using multi-section tool 2
Adding material by using multi-section tool 3
Adding material by using multi-section tool 4
Adding material by using multi-section tool 5
Adding material by using multi-section tool 6
Creating edge fillet 1
Creating edge fillet 2
Creating edge fillet 3
Creating fillets by face to face and tri-tangent tool
Creating chamfers
Creating draft 1
Creating draft 2
Creating shell on object
Using thickness tool
Applying threading/tapping
Using remove face and replace face tools
Creating blend corner
Editing the feature 1
Editing the feature 2
Measuring tools
Creating transformation by using translate/rotate tools
Creating transformation by using symmetry/axis-axis tools
Creating transformation by using mirror/scale tools
Creating rectangular pattern of features
Creating circular/user pattern of features
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5
Example 6
Example 7
Example 8
Example 9
Surfacing (GSD) Workbench
Introduction to generative shape design i.e surfacing
Using wireframe tool point
Using wireframe tool line
Using wireframe tool plane
Using wireframe tool project combine
Using wireframe tool intersection and curve offset
Using wireframe tool circle and conic
Using wireframe tool curves
Using surface creation tool extrude and revolve
Creating offset surface
Creating surface by using sweep tool
Creating fill surface
Creating multi-section surface
Adding surface by blend tool
Using surface operation join, heal, dissemble tools
Using split and trim surface operations
Using boundary and extract tool
Creating surface fillets
Creating surface chamfer and extrapolate
Surface – Example 1
Using body in white tools 1
Using body in white tools 2
Creating geometrical set
Using tools toolbar in surface
Applying material to surface
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Sheetmetal Workbench
Introduction to sheetmetal design
Setting sheet parameter
Creating Sheetmetal wall
Creating wall on edge
Creating Sheetmetal extrusion
Creating flange
Creating different types of flanges
Applying bends
Applying bend from flat
Using bending fold and unfold tools
Using curve mapping tool
Creating rolled walls Hopper
Creating rolled walls free from surface
Using fold and unfold for view purpose
Using cutting tool
Creating surface stamp
Creating bead
Creating curve stamp
Crating flanged cutout
Creating louver
Creating bridge
Creating flanged hole
Creating circular stamp
Adding stiffening rib
Creating dowel
Example 1
Example 2
Assembly Workbench
Introduction to assembly design
Inserting component in assembly
Manipulating component
Using snap tool for manipulation
Creating coincidence constraint
Creating offset constraint
Creating fix and quick constraint
Using reuse pattern tool
Analyzing degree of freedom
Creating multi instantiation
Creating assembly by top-down assembly approach
Generating exploder view
Adding part in assembly environment
Replacing part, reordering components in specification tree
Generating numbering and bill of material
Creating scene
Splitting assembly
Creating assembly feature hole, pocket
Creating assembly feature symmetry
Assembly clash analysis
Creating assembly sectioning
Example 1
Example 2
Drafting Workbench
Introduction to drafting
Creating views by view creation wizard
Creating view by advance front view
Adding projection view
Adding auxiliary view
Creating isometric view
Creating offset/aligned section view
Creating offset/aligned cut section view
Creating detail view
Creating clipping view
Creating broken view
Creating breakout view
Adding 3D clipping
Adding new sheet
Generating dimension by auto dimension tool
Generating chained dimensions
Generating manual dimensions
Generating hole/point table
Editing dimensions
Generating GD&T frame
Using generation tools
Generating bill of material
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Practice Test
Practice Test

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