The Book of James: Keys to a living faith & life application

Understanding the true depth and scope of wisdom, trials, the law, faith and works, poverty and wealth.

What you will learn

Why the Book of Jame is significant in our dispensation

The purpose of the book

The wisdom to live our our Christian faith

The power God has given us to pray

How to add works to our faith


A wisdom letter dealing with issues relating to the true depth and scope of wisdom, trials, the law, faith and works, poverty and wealth.

It brings greetings to the true and original Diaspora.

  • It speaks of our reactions and responses to trials, tests, tribulation, trauma  and temptations (1:2-18).
  • It reflects on the testing of our faith; not of our person’s but of our faith (1:2-12).
  • It discloses the source of Temptation (1:13-18) and the consequences one way or another of
  • listening to and doing the Word of God (1:19-27).
  • Declares favoritism of any stripe( particularly of the rich over the poor) not only forbidden but a sin (2:1-13).
  • Makes it abundantly clear that faith must go hand in glove with  deeds or it becomes in terms a nullity (2:14-26)
  • It gives disquisitive teaching on Taming the Tongue (3:1-12).
  • Discloses and discusses two Kinds of Wisdom (3:13-18)
  • Gives a stern warning against worldliness and carnality. (ch. 4)
  • Opposes and shows the ugly face of quarrelsomeness and cantankerousness. (4:1-3).
  • Gives a very tough denunciation of spiritual unfaithfulness (4:4)
  • Gives a discourse on the deleterious effect of Pride (4:5-10);
  • Slander (4:11-12) and
  • Boasting (4:13-17).

Severe and sternly prophetic warnings are given to  rich oppressors down through the ages


It concludes with easily catalogable though miscellaneous exhortations (5:7-20), concerning patience in suffering (5:7-11), oath-taking or making (5:12); concerning the Prayer of Faith (5:13-18); concerning those who wander from the Truth (5:19-20).

The Holy Spirit speaks through the Bible, God’s Holy Word.

His life-giving expression comes through each verse, and we are changed by receiving the Word of God.

The book of James is rich with life-changing revelation, a feast to strengthen you and keep you on course. We thank God that this book is included in our Bibles for it gives us an understanding of the power of faith to produce good works. Faith works!



Start from here

Date, Key Verses & Authorship of the book
Purpose of the book

Chapter summaries

#1 Faith tested and shown by our temptations
#2 Faith shown by our works
#3 Faith shown by our words
#4 Faith shown by our unworldliness
#5 Faith is shown by patience and prayer

Life Lessons

#1-3 Judgement, Integrity and Motives of Leaders and Followers
#4 You are to humble yourself and let God
#5 You must love out of decision and not out of reaction


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