Reiki Level 2 Accredited certificated

Reiki Level 2 Accredited certificated
Reiki Level 2, for those who have already completed their Level 1

What you will learn

Sacred Symbols

Energy Work

Crystal Grids

Distance healing


Once you have completed Reiki Level 1 and your 21 days of Reiki Healings, and when you feel like you are ready to start the next part of this journey then and only then should you proceed.  Really feel the energies that you work with in Reiki, spend time with it, there is no rush.   Patience and perseverance with consistent energy practice is how you will progress with Reiki.

Only you will know yourself when you are ready to learn more.

This Course will teach you how to perform a distance healing various ways.

We will also go over the Sacred Reiki Symbols


Reiki Meditations and much more

Once you complete each module of this course and practical aspects then you can send a private message on Udemy to let me know you have finished your Reiki Level 2 along with your email address.  I will be providing 1-1 attunement and personalised certificate (small fee 9.99 via paypal – megannifranklyn  .com)  I will send you a date and time and if you are not available then not to worry as you can call upon this healing attunement at any time.

If you have any questions please stick to messaging on Udemy as it helps to keep track of everyone who is studying with me online through this site.

Thank you kindly and I am so pleased that you have picked myself to learnt this wonderful method of energy healing



Joshin Kokyo


Hatsurei Ho


Gassho – Hands in Prayer

Gassho 5 minute meditation

Reiji Ho

Reiji Ho


Chiryo The third pillar of Reiki

Reiki Symbols

Cho Ku Rei
Sei He Key
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Distance Healing Sessions

Distance Healing

Crystal Grid

Crystal Grid

Animal Reiki

Animal Reiki

Quiz Time

Reiki Level 2

How to receive your Attunement

Congratulations on Completing your Course

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