Pure Land Buddhism 南无阿弥陀佛 (Namo Amituofo)

Rebirth in Amitabha Buddha Pure Land

What you will learn

Define what is Pure Land Buddhism

Clearly Comprehend Amitabha Buddhas Compassion

Explaination on How to Rebirth

Avoid Common Misconceptions

Why take this course?

Describes how to Rebirth in Amitabha Buddha Pure Land, Sukhavati (Land of Bliss).

Easiest Buddhist Practice path.

Only by chanting 南无阿弥陀佛 (Namo Amituofo) everyday or even once, We can rebirth in Sukhavati (Land of Bliss).

You will Learn the Key to Rebirth:

Faith, Vow & Practice.

3 Main Sutras will be used:

Infinite Life Sutra, as Spoken by the Buddha (Longer Sutra)

Contemplation of Infinite Life Sutra, as Spoken by the Buddha (Contemplation Sutra)

The Amitabha Sutra Spoken by the Buddha (Smaller Sutra)

Common misconceptions will also be explained.

How to Spread Amitabha Buddha effectively & timely to others


I hope that All of Us will Rebirth in Amitabha Buddhas’ Pure Land.

Namo Amituofo 南无阿弥陀佛.

Verse For Praise Of Buddha

Amitabha Buddha’s body is golden in colour, with forms’ excellences and bright light without equal.

His white fine hair [ūrņā] can wind around Sumeru five times, with dark blue eyes pure and clear like the four great oceans.

From within his light manifests innumerable hundreds of millions of Buddhas, with manifested Bodhisattva assemblies that are also boundless.

With forty-eight vows to deliver sentient beings, and nine [lotus] grades, all enabling ascent on the other shore [of Pure Land and eventual Buddhahood].

Due to the Compassion of Everyone spreading Namo Amituofo Online,

I am able to create this course Today. Thank You Everyone :).

Special Thanks to:

Gautama Buddha, Amitābha Buddha, The Pure Land Tradition Patriarchs, Upasaka Xia Lian Ju, John Scot Walker, purelanders, 淨土宗 Pure Land Buddhism, Pure Land Buddhism, Aputi, Avalokitesvara Shrine, Amitabha Buddha’s Abode, Amituofo Channel

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