A Complete Guide for Beginners interested in learning HTML, CSS, & Bootstrap for Building Stylish, Responsive Web Pages.
☑ Developing Web Pages in HTML
☑ Styling Web Pages using CSS
☑ Creating Mobile Responsive Web Pages using the Bootstrap Library
This course covers three essential concepts for aspiring Web Developers. This includes HTML, CSS, & Bootstrap. Each section comes complete with comprehensive lessons that help students master the art of front-end coding.
The course is divided as follows:
HTML Development
This section explores HTML. HTML is a key fundamental building block when learning to develop websites. Students initially learn the basics of HTML page structure and gradually transition into working with spacing, text formatting, lists, images, videos, links, anchors, tables, forms and much more. We include several projects, where students are shown first-hand, how to develop and code html web pages from scratch.
CSS Development
Students learn to use CSS to create stylish, responsive web page layouts. We start by discussing the parts and types of CSS rules, followed by CSS classes, DIVS, and ID’s. Students gain significant exposure to various formatting options, including margins, padding, font properties, backgrounds, transparency, positioning, link styling and CSS tables. This section includes a hands-on web development project where students utilize the concepts explored in the lesson.
Bootstrap Framework
Students are taught to use the Bootstrap framework for responsive, mobile-first – front-end development. As one of the leading open-source development libraries, Bootstrap is an essential part of the developers coding arsenal. The section begins with teaching students how to include essential Bootstrap files into web pages. It then explores the Bootstrap Grid system and popular layout strategies for optimal cross-device and cross-browser compatibility.
Students gain exposure to just about every Bootstrap component, from typography, tables and images, to jumbotrons, wells, alerts, buttons, glyphicons and progress bars. The section includes several hands-on exercises that will walk students through the process of creating stunning layouts, complete with modals, carousels, popovers, drop-down menus, forms and much more.
HTML Development
Introduction to HTML
Basic Structure of a Web Page
HTML Head Tags
HTML Body Tag
HTML Paragraph Spacing
HTML Line Breaks
HTML Non-Breaking Space
HTML Header Tags
HTML Text Formatting and Decoration
HTML Inline Text Formatting
HTML Unordered Lists
HTML Ordered Lists
HTML Image Insertion
HTML Embedding Videos
HTML Absolute vs. Relative File Referencing
HTML Link Creation
HTML Anchor Tags
HTML Tables
HTML Nested Tables
HTML Merging Cells
HTML Text Wrapping
HTML Table Background Image
HTML Table Cell Alignment
HTML – Introduction to Forms
HTML Form Tags and Attributes
HTML Forms – Post vs. Get
HTML Forms – Input Text Fields
HTML Forms – Select Menus
HTML Forms – Check Boxes and Radio Buttons
HTML Forms – Text Areas and Buttons
HTML Iframes
HTML Project – Introduction
HTML Project – Header
HTML Project – Callout
HTML Project – Image Insertion
HTML Project – Text Insertion
HTML Project – Links and Form
HTML Project – Tabular Data
HTML Project – Footer
CSS Development
Introduction to CSS
Parts of a CSS Rule
Types of CSS Rules
CSS – Color Names and Codes
CSS Classes and Spans
CSS Divisions – DIVs
CSS Margins
CSS Padding
CSS Text Properties
CSS Font Properties
CSS Borders
CSS Backgrounds
CSS Transparency
CSS Text on Top of Images
CSS Width and Height Properties
CSS Display Properties
CSS Static Positioning
CSS Relative Positioning
CSS Absolute Positioning
CSS Fixed Positioning
CSS Float Property
CSS Clear Property
CSS Z-Index
CSS Styling Links
CSS Tables
CSS Project – Introduction
CSS Project – CSS Rules
CSS Project – Navigation Rules
CSS Project – Responsive CSS
CSS Project – Page Elements
Bootstrap Development
Introduction to Bootstrap
Embedding Bootstrap
Bootstrap – Basic Page Structure
Bootstrap Grid System
Bootstrap Three Column Layouts
Bootstrap Typography
Bootstrap Tables
Bootstrap Styling Images
Bootstrap Jumbotron
Bootstrap Wells
Bootstrap Alerts
Bootstrap Buttons
Bootstrap Button Groups
Bootstrap Justified Button Groups
Bootstrap Glyphicons
Bootstrap Badges and Labels
Bootstrap Progress Bars
Bootstrap Pagination
Bootstrap Pager Pagination
Bootstrap List Groups
Bootstrap Panels
Bootstrap Dropdown Menus
Bootstrap Collapsibles
Bootstrap Collapse Panel
Bootstrap Collapse List Group
Bootstrap Accordian
Bootstrap Tab Menus
Bootstrap Pill Menus
Bootstrap Dynamic Tabs and Pills
Bootstrap Navigation Bar
Bootstrap Collapsible Navigation Bar
Bootstrap Forms – Vertical and Inline
Bootstrap Inputs
Bootstrap Form Control States
Bootstrap Input Sizing
Bootstrap Carousel
Bootstrap Modal
Bootstrap Tooltip
Bootstrap Popover
Bootstrap Scrollspy
Bootstrap Project – Themes Intro
Bootstrap Project – File Overview
Bootstrap Project – Script Overview
Bootstrap Project – Script Overview Continued