Find clients & grow your business.

A course designed to help you find your clients and grow your business.

What you will learn

Learns what works best to help you get commercial traction. We’ll turn you into a powerful lead generation machine!

Have a clear understanding of how lead generation works, with practical knowledge to make this work for your business

Allows you to gain access to markets

Understanding Insourcing VS Outsourcing


Welcome! I’m York Zucchi and today I will be your guide in this incredible course called “Finding clients and growing your business”.

It is a science to know how to find clients; without clients you don’t have a business!

I’ve presented over 500 workshops, speaking engagements, and seminars in this space over the last few years, to thousands of SMEs in numerous countries as well as have done a lot of work understanding what works and what doesn’t in the space of finding clients. Our work has impacted SMEs in over 83 countries.

This course is really a culmination of all that knowledge, observations, and experience for your benefit.

And In case if you wonder if I am a lecturer. No, since graduating from university 21 years ago, I have generated over USD 11m in direct sales and at least USD 420m in indirect sales (where I worked together with others). So when I speak about this topic, I am speaking from a foundation of results and experience as well as research.

This course is not about me however. It is about you. It is about helping you to generate leads and find clients. Because if you succeed in finding clients it means your business will grow. Growing businesses means a rising tide for society as a whole.



Introduction, perspectives and expectations

Welcome to your Access to Markets course!
Realism vs optimism: how long it really takes to win customers
The lead cycle: think like a customer
Cost of sales
Insourcing vs Outsourcing
Outcomes: what you can expect and what you shouldn’t expect from this course

Finding clients – the Access to Markets challenge

Task: Create a space to store the information
What do you solve?
Create your case studies
Who are your customers?
Creating your reputation
Building trust – creating testimonials

Lead converting – creating the hook

Introduction to lead conversion
The psychology of persuasion
Designing your conversion page: engineering your ‘hook’
Setting up the hook for you… you have to start somewhere. LinkedIn
Creating your attention grabber (Canva 101)
Setting the trust base: your “About” section
Re-engineering your history: making your CV work for you
Projects you worked on and why they matter more than you think
A word about consistency… Don’t confuse your potential customers!
Your email signature… a missed opportunity
How to use Twitter
The tricks you are missing out on Facebook
Business cards? Really? Yes. Really
Maximizing your WhatsApp addiction
TikTok & Snapchat
Instagram, the dying beast (but not yet dead so use it for your advantage)
Forget websites… what you need are:
Choosing the right weapons…

Engagement bridges – creating the fishing net

Introduction: what are engagement bridges and why should you really really care
EB1: What are you working on
EB2: What are you looking for
EB3: What are you struggling with
EB4: What did you learn from previous projects
EB5: Advice for a friend
EB6: Industry insights: pulling back the curtains
EB7: Sharing is caring
EB8: Recommendations
Some tips and comments to save you from making my mistakes

Tools & Resources: how to tap into a world of free offerings and turn it to your

Introduction: a world of opportunities awaits you
Free or paid? Go for free
How to set yourself up for the next 3 months
Websites are outdated
Tracking is everything. CRM or no CRM?
How to manage your pipeline…

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