Python Programming: Building an AI-Powered Instagram Bot

Use Python to create an AI-powered Instagram bot, automate your account, and awe your followers with stunning AI art

What you will learn

Develop a strong foundation in Python programming, including variables, control flow, libraries, and APIs.

Understand the integration of AI technology into your programming projects.

Learn best practices for code organization, readability, and documentation.

Enhance your understanding of web scraping, image processing, and social media automation.

Acquire skills that can be applied to a wide range of real-world projects beyond Instagram automation.

Gain hands-on experience in building a practical application—an AI-powered Instagram bot—from scratch.


Welcome to “Python Programming: Building an AI-Powered Instagram Bot”! In this comprehensive course, you will learn how to harness the power of Python to create an intelligent Instagram bot that generates captivating posts using artificial intelligence (AI) technology. By the end of this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to automate your Instagram account and impress your followers with stunning AI-generated artwork.

You will learn how to interact with Instagram, sign in to your account, and post content seamlessly. We will explore the features and functionalities provided by this library, empowering you to schedule and publish engaging posts automatically.

You will discover how to generate captivating AI prompts and obtain stunning images using the OpenAI API. By combining these elements, you will create eye-catching posts that will impress your followers and spark their interest.

Throughout the course, you will gain hands-on experience by working with real-world examples and practical exercises. You will download images, manipulate them, and learn effective strategies for managing time-based operations. Moreover, we will guide you on best practices to ensure responsible usage of the Instagram and OpenAI services.

By the end of this course, you will have the skills and knowledge to create an advanced AI-powered Instagram bot, capable of generating and posting captivating content on a regular basis. Join us now and embark on this exciting journey of mastering Python, programming, and AI automation to elevate your Instagram presence to new heights. Enroll today and unlock the potential of AI-powered Instagram automation!




Course Structure
Course Benefits
Who is this Course for?
What you will be Making

Setting Up the Enviroment

Installing Visual Studio Code
Creating your Files
Creating your Virtual Enviroment

Connecting to Instagram

Installing and Importing Instagrapi
Creating your InstagramBot Class
Using your InstagramBot Class
Connecting to Instagram Quiz

Using AI to Generate Prompt and Images

Installing and Importing the OpenAI Library
Creating your OpenAI Account
OpenAI Playground and Documentation
Creating your AIGenerator Class
Generating Prompts with AIGenerator
Generating Images with AIGenerator
Putting it Together
Using AI to Generate Prompt and Images Quiz

Creating your App

Installing Required Libraries
Set Up AIGenerator and InstagramBot Classes
Creating the make_post() Function
Using a While Loop and System Time
Creating your App Quiz



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