Training Certificate Course For Being Good Yoga Teacher(1)

What you will learn

Correct poses

They will become good Yoga Trainer

Improve Posture

Benefits and contraindications

Awareness of body organs

Improve flexibility and strength.

Improves strength, balance and flexibility

Relaxes you, to help you sleep better

Maintains a balanced metabolism

Improves athletic performance

Can promote better posture and body awareness


In a Yoga course, one of the goals is to enable students to do correct poses and know about who can do it or who can do it and to communicate their analyses to someone else.

This is an introductory online course with no pre-requisites and serve as a prerequisite for other courses.This is an introductory online course with no pre-requisites and serve as a prerequisite for other courses. Typically, the students take the course as pre-service elementary teachers and take the course to satisfy a general education requirement. This course is taught an online format.

Here are 9 reasons why this course is right for you :

Deepen Your Practice – Enhance your understanding of poses from the inside out and experience them in new and interesting ways. learn yoga anatomy, alignment and key actions, modifications and hands on adjustments.


Focus On You – Teacher training is an investment in you; your health, and your growth. Sure your responsibilities will still be there, but you just might find them easier to manage after some dedicated time for yourself.


Get In Shape, Feel Great – Nothing like practicing asana everyday to give a boost to your health and wellness. Feel more energetic and vibrant than ever. your friends and family will notice. we promise!


Broaden Your Understanding Of Yoga Practices Beyond Physical Poses – There is only so much we can do in a class. This is an opportunity to explore and embody the subtleties of the practice such as Pranayama, Meditation, and Anatomy.


Explore Yoga Philosophy – What Is The History Of Yoga? where does it come from? Understand the history of yoga, and the science at the heart of these powerful practices.


Cultivate lasting And Meaningful Relationships – Walking the path of yoga is more meaningful when others walk the path with us. The bonds that are created during teacher training last a lifetime. immerse yourself in community and deepen your connection with breathe and fellow students.


Accelerate transformation in your life


learn To Teach – Whether you ever teach a yoga class post training or not there is value in practice teaching. What you gain from the opportunity to teach others ripples out into all areas of your life. learn to guide a group of people through an experience and lead them to a common goal, develop the art of public speaking and learn to use language with greater clarity, efficiency and potency,  build confidence, stay grounded in yourself no matter what the outer circumstances, hone the skill of trusting your intuition, and speak from the heart.


Receive Personal Attention – Something specific you want to understand? Is there a pose or yoga concept you want to look at in more detail? this is the place to ask questions. This is not a one size fits all practice. learn how to adapt the practice to meet your needs, develop a personal mediation and home asana practice, and receive individualized feedback on how to teach in way that is most authentic to you!


You love yoga! Why not dive deeper into something that brings you peace and happiness. Expand your knowledge of what you are passionate about and share that passion with others!




Introduction to the professional Yoga Teacher Course

Warm Up

Warm up

Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskara

Surya Namaskara

Doing Correct 30 Poses

Tadasan with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Tiryak Tadasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Tiryak Tadasana
Kati Chakrasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Kati Chakrasana
Urdhwa Tadasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Urdhwa Tadasana
Hasta Utthanasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Hasta Utthanasana
Crow Pose with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Veerabhadrasana-1 with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Veerabhadrasana-2 with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Veerabhadrasana-3 with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Shirshasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Trikonasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Parivritta Trikonasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Parivritta Trikonasana
Parsvakonasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Parivritta Parsvakonasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Parivritta Parsvakonasana
Padahastasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Ashwa Sanchalanasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Ashwa Sanchalanasana
Utkatasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Malasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Dandasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Padmasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Parigasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Adhomukha Swanasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Adhomukha Swanasana
Parvathasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Sishupalasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Gomukhasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Janu Sirsasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Janu Sirsasana
Paschimottanasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Bhunamanasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Vakrasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position
Sarvangasana with Benefits and Contraindications of this position


What is Pranayama ?
Diaphragmatic Breathing
Nadi Shodhana


What is Meditation ?
Ajapa Japa
Ckakra (HARI OM )
Pancha Kosha ( Five Sheath )


What is Relaxation ?
Method 1

Yoga Lesson

Yoga Lesson



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